Mikki Mase Bluffs With Jack High & Ends up Against Quads

Mikki Mase Bluffs With Jack High & Ends up Against Quads

Mikki Mase Bluffs and Ends up against Quads Vs Eric Persson on Hustler Casino Live

Check out this hand from a Super high Stakes Week stream on Hustler Casino Live. Hustler Casino live-streamed it on their YouTube channel on August 25th, 2022. Mikki Mase and Eric Persson played the hand with blinds set at $100/200 and a $200 BB Ante.

The action began with Wesley raising it up to $3k from the +1 with 44 of Spades33 of Spades. Next to act was Persson in the cut-off who made the call with KKing of Diamonds88 of Diamonds from a $419k stack. Mikki who was a $1,000 straddler on the button with JJoker of Hearts1010 of Heartsthrew in a 3-Bet to $8,000 which left him $83.3k in his stack. Wesley mucked his small suited connectors, Persson was going no where, and paid $5k to see the flop. The pot now stood at $19.9k. Before the flop was dealt Persson announced “I check in the dark”

A Rush of Blood From Mikki Mase

The flop came down KKing of Clubs66 of DiamondsKKing of Spadesgiving Persson trip King’s, Mase was close to drawing dead. Continuing his pre-flop aggression, Mikki followed up by placing a $9,000 bet. Persson reached for chips, and check raised Mikki to $19,000. Not wanting to believe Persson and trying to represent a monster, Mase Jammed all in for a total of $83.3k. There was no credit given to Mase’ play from Persson, and he made the call. the Pot stood at an incredible $187k, Mikki Mase had nothing but Jack high!.

It was all over on the turn when the22 of Diamondswas revealed, just to add salt into the wound, the river was the KKing of Heartsgiving Persson Quads.

Check out the video below to see how it played out.

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