Double Trouble: Mariano’s Ace-King Triumphs Twice

Double Trouble: Mariano’s Ace-King Triumphs Twice

Double Trouble: Mariano’s Ace-King Triumphs Twice Over Xuan’s Tens in High-Stakes Poker Clash”

Fair play to Xuan for sticking to her guns and believing her pocket tens to be good, although the margin was thin, she was cruelly denied half of the pot as the players agreed to run it twice. The action was live-streamed at Poker At the Lodge. The hand played out between Xuan Liu and Mariano Grandoli with the blinds set at $25/$50 + a $50 big blind ante. The hand was uploaded to Poker At the Lodge’s YouTube Channel on the 26th of February 2024.

Mariano ($138,050) kicked off the hand by raising it up to $300 from the +1 having been dealt AAce of HeartsKKing of Diamonds. After several calls, the action was on Xuan ($28,025) in the small blind, she elected to play her 1010 of Spades1010 of Clubs aggressively and chucked out a 3-bet to $3,000. After a few folds it was back on Mariano to decide just how committed was he with his Ace-King. The Answer was very, he 4-betted it to $7,400. The players who were left to act behind folded and it was now up to Xuan to react. Her play was “all in” showing no fear to her opponent. Mariano Made a quick call and the players agreed to run the $57,200 pot Twice.

Aces in the Window

An Ace in the window was revealed AAce of Spades99 of Diamonds88 of Diamonds during the first run, leading to Mariano being a strong favorite. The QQueen of Hearts gave Xuan some much-needed outs, unfortunately, the river was a dead rubber when the 55 of Clubs landed, one-nil to Mariano.

The second run was just as cruel, another Ace in the window! 66 of SpadesAAce of Clubs55 of Diamonds for Mariano. Fearing the Worst Xuan was already putting her chips in the middle. The 44 of Spades followed by the 22 of Hearts sealed her fate and the huge $57,200 pot was lapped up by Mariano.

Check out the video below to see how the action went down.