Huge $540k Pot Between Nik Airball & Peter

Huge $540k Pot Between Nik Airball & Peter

Nik Airball & Peter involved in huge $540k pot During Super High Stakes

Let’s take a look at this huge $540k pot that occurred during Super high Stakes. It was live streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel on the 5th January 2024. The hand was played between Nik Airball & Peter With the blinds being $100/$200/$400.

The action began with Andy Stacks ($686,800) raising it up to $1,200 from UTG with QQueen of Spades22 of Spades. this was met by a call from Britney ($314,700) on the button who wanted to play a suited hand of her own in position 1010 of Spades55 of Spades. In the small blind was Airball ($293,500) who passively cold called with a premium AAce of ClubsKKing of Spades. Last to act but by no means least was Peter ($459,000) who chucked in a 3-bet of $8,200 with 1010 of Hearts1010 of Clubs. This was enough to get the table to fold other then Nik Airball. Who had now decided to get dicey with his Ace-King by Putting out a large 4-bet of $45,000. Peter put out a further $36,800 to see the flop. The pot stood at an incredible $92,800.

Against Airball you Just Never Know

The flop came down 88 of ClubsKKing of Clubs44 of Spades giving Airball top pair top kicker. First to act he led out with a bet of $60,000. Now usually this would be a relatively easy lay-down, but against Airball you just do not know. And that is most likely why Peter peeled a card here with his under-pair. After Peter’s call the pot now stood at a mouth watering $212,800.

There was now a pair on the board when the 44 of Hearts was revealed, a card neither player would have feared. “All in” was Airball’s next play as he shipped $188,600 into the middle. Again this is Airball, he is one of the few player’s that has bluff’s and stone cold bluff’s. At least that had to be Peter’s thinking as he made the highly optimistic call. You have to feel this is where Airball’s image won the day, as he scoops the $540k pot.