Huge $139k Pot Between Tom Dwan & Britney

Huge $139k Pot Between Tom Dwan & Britney

Who Will Win This Huge $139k Pot Between Tom Dwan & Britney?

Tom Dwan got himself in a bit of a pickle after pricing himself in at Hustler Casino Live vs Britney. Will they chop up the $139k pot after agreeing to run it twice? The action was live-streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel on the 14th of June 2024. They played with blinds of $200/$400 + a $400 BB Ante.

Britney ($66,000) kicked off the hand with a raise to $3,000 from the cutoff while holding AAce of HeartsJJoker of Clubs. In position, Dwan ($96,900) got dicey by chucking out a 3-bet to $13,000 with low-suited connectors 66 of Diamonds22 of Diamonds. The rest of the table folded and it was now back on Britney to decide what to do. She made the call and the pair went to the flop with $27,000 in the middle.

After a flop of 55 of DiamondsQQueen of HeartsAAce of Diamonds Britney checked over her pair of Aces. Having had the pre-flop initiative Tom continued the aggression. He fired out a $17,000 bet, which was met with a quick “All in” leaving Dwan frustrated with himself. He knew he was now priced in and would have to call. Both players agreed to run the huge $139k pot twice.

The first Turn 88 of Clubs and River QQueen of Clubs went Britney’s way guaranteeing her half the pot. As for the second run out, well that went to Britney too, after the JJoker of Hearts & 99 of Spades were dealt. what a hold for Britney!

you can watch the hand play out in the video below.

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