Dr.H Gets Frisky with Lynne at Bally Live

Dr.H Gets Frisky with Lynne at Bally Live

Dr.H Gets Frisky During High Stakes Stream at Bally Live

Regardless of the result you have to give props to Dr.H for spicing up the game. let’s look at this unconventional hand he played vs Lynne Ji at Bally Live Poker. The action was live-streamed on Bally Live Poker’s YouTube channel on the 13th of March 2024. The blinds were $25/$50/$100.

In the small blind Dr. H ($16,600) limped into the pot with 1010 of Hearts99 of Clubs, this was met by resistance from Lynne ($10,200) the under-the-gun straddler. She raised it up to $500 holding JJoker of Hearts99 of Hearts. The Dr made the call, and off to the flop they went with $1,100 in the middle.

The flop came down JJoker of Diamonds66 of Diamonds77 of Clubs giving Lynne top pair, whereas Dr.H had a gut shot. Once checked to, Lynne put out a bet of $400, this was immediately met with a check-raise of $1,100 from the Dr. Unwilling to be pushed around, and believing she had the best hand, Lynne responded with a 3-bet to $2,400 of which her opponent called. Going to the turn the pot stood at $5,900.

After the 33 of Spadeslanded on the turn the action went check check. The river was another blank card 55 of Clubs. Knowing that he could not win the hand without bluffing, Dr.H led out with a bet of $2,500. Lynee clearly puzzled by his lead out, made the call pretty hastily allowing her to scoop the $10,900 pot.

Check out the video below to see how the hand played out.

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