Wolfgang Poker Involved in $25k Pot at Texas Card House

Wolfgang Poker Involved in $25k Pot at Texas Card House

Wolfgang Poker Involved In $25k Pot Vs Mariano at TCH

Check out this hand between Wolfgang Poker & Mariano it was played in Dallas at the Texas Card House. blinds were $25/$25 with a third BB of $50. Wolfgang uploaded the footage to his YouTube channel on 7th August 2023.

Hollywood raised it up to $300 from the Low-Jack, next to act was Wolfgang who threw in a 3-bet to $900 with JJoker of HeartsJJoker of Spades and a stack of $12,500. The action was now on Mariano who was in the Small Blind. Mariano who had a very large stack in front of him $160k. Opted for the aggressive approach with his 66 of Clubs66 of Diamonds and 4-bet it to $2,400. This got Hollywood to fold. The action was now back on Wolfgang, who did contemplate 5-Bet Jamming all in. But decided for the conservative approach, as he was not fully sure what Mariano’s Four Betting range was. Going to the flop the pot stood at $5,275.

The flop came down 77 of Hearts55 of Spades22 of Hearts a flop that both players were no doubt quite happy with. First to act Mariano led out $1,500. Wolfgang decided to flat to keep Mariano’s bluffs in, and at the same time if he re-raised he would be fully committed to the hand, and in theory he could definitely be up against Queens+. There was $8,2785 in the middle going to the Turn.

The Turn Opened Things up for Mariano

The Turn produced the 44 of Diamonds a card that helped out Mariano, he now had an up and down straight draw to go with his pair of sixes. Having picked up the extra outs, Mariano now checked it over for pot control, to Wolfgang. Sensing his Jacks were most likely good, Mariano jammed all in for $8.3k a just over pot size bet for Mariano to call. Mariano at this stage asked for a chip count, after a lot of deliberation, he made the call and to the river they went, Will the Jack’s hold? The pot Stood at just below $25k at $24,925. Both players agreed to run it twice.

The First river revealed the 88 of Diamonds giving Mariano at least half the pot. The second river was just as cruel for Wolfgang another eight 88 of Spades and just like that, Mariano scooped the entire pot.

To see this hand and others from Wolfgang’s blog, check out the video below.