What a Cooler for Mariano Blind Vs Blind

What a Cooler for Mariano Blind Vs Blind

What a Cooler For Mariano B Vs B during High Stakes at Hustler Casino Live

This hand was so perfect for Airball, he could not have had it play out any better if he was hand choosing the cards. The hand occurred during a Friday night High Stakes stream at Hustler Casino Live. It was live streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel on February 2nd 2024. The hand was played between  Nik Airball & Mariano with the blinds being $50/$100/$100.

The hand began blind vs blind when Mariano ($122,350) Limped into the pot with JJoker of Hearts1010 of Clubs vs Nick Airball’s ($183,825) big blind. Airball had been dealt AAce of ClubsKKing of Hearts and raised it up to $600. Mariano called for a remaining $500 and to the flop they went with $1,300 in the middle.

what a flop for Airball trip Ace’s! AAce of SpadesAAce of DiamondsQQueen of Hearts. Sometimes this can be a hard spot to get paid in though. Once checked to, Airball fired out a bet of $300 which was instantly called by Mariano chasing the gut-shot. BvsB he also knows if he catches a Jack or a Ten that could be good too in this time of spot. the pot now stood at $1,900 going to the turn.

Is there any Escaping the Hand Now For Mariano?

Oh what a Cruel turn KKing of Diamonds Airball had completed his full house at the expense of Mariano hitting broadway. Just as before Nik put out a bet of $300 when checked to. Mariano just flatted and to the river they went with $2,500 in play.

The Deuce 22 of Spades on the river was a complete brick surely Mariano had to feel he had the best hand?. Once checked to for a third time in the hand, Airball put out a small bet of $500. Not only does a bet of this size allow his opponent to call wide with a number of hands, it also allows his opponent to raise as either a bluff or with a lesser hand. Mariano’s response was to raise it up, $3,000 was the amount he put out. Nik beefed the put up with a 3-bet to $10,000. Mariano now looked considerably concerned knowing that Airball potentially could have a fullhouse. After some thought, he did make the call and received the bad news when Airball turned over Ace’s full of King’s.

Check out the video below to see the hand play out in real time.