Tom Dwan, Professor, & Prince Charles Involved in $200k Omaha Pot

Tom Dwan, Professor, & Prince Charles Involved in $200k Omaha Pot

Tom Dwan, Professor, & Prince Charles Play $200k Omaha Pot on Hustler Casino Live

Check out this hand from a high stakes Omaha game on Hustler Casino Live. It was live streamed on the 18th July 2023 on Hustler Casino Lives YouTube Channel. The hand was played between Tom Dwan, Prince Charles, and Professor, with the blinds set at $500/$500 + a $2k BB Ante.

The action began with Anthony from under-the-gun ($73,000) who raised it up to $2,000 with AAce of HeartsJJoker of Hearts1010 of Diamonds77 of Hearts. This got folds until Charles ($270,000) on the Button, threw in a 3-Bet to $5,000 with AAce of SpadesAAce of ClubsQQueen of Spades77 of Spades. Dwan ($33,000) in the small blind liked the look of his well connected hand 1010 of Spades99 of Hearts88 of Spades66 of Diamondsand made the call. Next to act was Professor ($80,500) in the BB who had been dealt KKing of HeartsKKing of Clubs1010 of Hearts44 of Spadeshe elected to play his hand aggressively out of position and 4-Betted it to $22,000. With the action back on Anthony, he had seen enough and folded. Charles however 5-Betted it to $81,000 putting his opponent’s all in.

Dwan and Professor both made the call and the Pot stood at a huge $204,000. The players agreed to run it twice.

“That’s me, That’s me”

The first board ran out 99 of Diamonds33 of HeartsJJoker of Diamonds44 of Hearts44 of Clubs “that’s me, that’s me” Said professor as he won the first one with trip four’s. The second run out was just as painful for the others. The Flop came down 1010 of Clubs99 of SpadesKKing of Spades Giving Professor a set of King’s “that’s me, That’s me” exclaimed Professor again. the Turn was the 33 of Spadesgiving Charles the nut flush, however the river was cruel and the board paired when the 33 of Diamondslanded.

To see the $200k Omaha pot play out, check out the video below.