Largest Pot Limit Omaha Hand On Hustler Casino Live

Largest Pot Limit Omaha Hand On Hustler Casino Live

Tom Dwan Involved in Largest Pot Limit Omaha Hand On Hustler Casino Live

Check out this Pot Limit Omaha hand from Hustler Casino Live. The blinds were $500/$500/$1000 with a Big Blind Ante of $2k. Can Dwan Squeeze out Marius on the Turn?

The Professor in the Highjack raised it up pre flop to $2,500 with K♠️Q♦️J♣️3♣️. Tom Dwan next to act on the Button made the call. Firas in the Small Blind made the call with 9♥️9♣️8♠️7♦️. Charles in the Big Blind Made a dicey 3-Bet to $13,500 with a double suited hand K♣️9♦️8♣️6. Marius next to act in the third blind Elected to just call with his unsuited pocket Aces A♥️A♦️4♠️4♣️. The action was now back on Dwan who put in a further $11,000 to see the flop, as did Firas. 4 Players to the flop we go with $58,500 in the middle.

The Flop came down 3♠️2♥️6♠️ which surprisingly missed everyone, except Dwan, who now had a gutshot & a Queen high flush draw. Firas first to act checked, Charles the 3-better pre flop with just $73,500 left behind put out a questionable bet of $20,000 with his pair of sixes and not much back door equity. Marius in a tough spot with just a pair of aces and a gutshot made the call. As did Dwan after some deliberation. Firas having completely missed the flop mucked his hand. Three players to the Turn with a hefty $118,500 in the pot.

The Turn Brought three Straight Combinations

The Turn revealed the 5♣️ and the board now read 3♠️ 2♥️6♠️5♣️. Both Dwan and Marius both hit their Gutshot, although both have to be a little concerned about the possibility of someone having 4,5 or 4,7 in their hand for the higher straights. Rather then giving up on a board that did not favour him Charles Elected to get the remainder of his stack in the middle ($53,500). The pot now stood at $172,000. Marius facing the bet of $53,500 made the call with his wheel straight. Next to act was Dwan with the same straight as Marius, but with the flush redraw. Tom not fearing the higher straight’s Potted it. The pot now stood at over half a million with Marius left to act.

Can Marius Make the call with the Third Nuts?

Marius Faced a tough decision, knowing that 4,5 or 4,7 could definitely be likely to be in Dwan’s hand given the action, however Marius held two 4’s of his own which made it slightly less likely, although this is Omaha after all. Marius with a stack off $392,000 and facing a bet of $279,000 elected to go all in. Dwan Matched his bet and the Biggest Pot Limit Omaha pot on Hustler casino Live saw Tom Dwan freerolling to the flush going to the river. All three players agreed to run it twice (Charles was still in the side pot).

The first River card was the 3♥️ which changed nothing, as did the 10♣️ on the second run. Both Dwan & Marius chop up the $1,070,000 pot, the largest Pot Limit Omaha pot in HCL history (at the tiome of writing) .

Check out the video below to see how the hand played out in full, you can also hear Dwan clearly frustrated by Charles, who did not wanting to run the board three times. You can also see the full Omaha action on their YouTube Channel