This Was Not Sashimi’s Finest Hour at Poker At The Lodge

This Was Not Sashimi’s Finest Hour at Poker At The Lodge

Sashimi’s Loose Style of Play Has Her Chasing Chop-Outs

Sometimes in poker players find themselves in the finest of margins, here is a clear example of Sashimi being in hot water. Facing a bet that she knows she shouldn’t call, Yep, we have all been there. The hand was played at Poker At the Lodge between Sashimi & Taras, with the blinds set at $25/50. The action was live-streamed on Poker At the Lodge’s YouTube Channel on the 22nd of March 2024.

Sat in the high-jack Taras ($221.3k) opened the action to $300 with suited connectors 99 of Diamonds88 of Diamonds. After several folds, Moe Money ($41k) made the call in the small blind with AAce of ClubsJJoker of Diamonds. Next to act, clearly feeling frisky Sashimi ($41k) chucked out a 3-bet to $2,000 holding suited connectors of her own 1010 of Spades88 of Spades. Taras made the call, as did Moe Money. Three players went to the flop with $4,450 in the middle.

Taras Had Flopped the Best with Just a Straight Draw

After a flop of 66 of Hearts22 of Clubs77 of Clubs Taras had the best of it with an up and down straight draw, sashimi had to over cards and a gut-shot. Continuing her pre-flop aggression, Sashimi second to act, bet out with an over-bet of $5,000. Liking his draw, Taras made the call, and the pair went heads up to the turn.

On the turn was the 1010 of Diamonds Taras had now turned the nuts. having hit top pair, rather than going for pot control after hitting some equity, Sashimi once again bet into her opponent, $13,000 was the amount her opponent was faced with. After a look at his cards, Taras’ play was to move “all in”. Clearly not liking the decision she was faced with, Sashimi pondered and looked like folding.

After a moment of contemplation, she reluctantly decided to make the call, taking into account the amount invested into the pot thus far. Both players reached an agreement to run the river twice. However, there were no miraculous chop outs. The result was an astonishing pot of $88k for Taras.

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