Sashimi Vs Sia The Bot On Hustler Casino Live

Sashimi Vs Sia The Bot On Hustler Casino Live

Sashimi Vs Sia The Bot on HCL will Aggression Prevail?

Check out this hand from a Max Pain Monday Hustler Casino Live game featuring Sashimi vs Sia The Bot. It was live streamed on 27th February , with blinds set at $10/$20/$40 and a $20 BB ante.

Sia Qiu more commonly know as Sia The Bot, woke up with a monster Under The Gun. She raised it to $120 with a stack of $22,320 behind & Pocket King’s in her hand KKing of DiamondsKKing of Clubs. This got folds from the rest of the table, until DJ Washburn got dicey with 77 of Clubs22 of Spades and 3-bet it to $500. Sashimi in the SB woke up with a big hand of her own, pocket Jack’s JJoker of HeartsJJoker of Clubs Sashimi went with the more passive approach and just flatted Washburn’s 3-bet. The action was now back on Sia who wasted little time 4-betting it to $3,000. This in turn was enough for DJ Washburn to muck his trash. Sashimi Made the call leaving her $26,070 in her stack. Going to the flop there was $6,580 in the pot.

Will Sashimi’s Aggression get Sia to Fold Pocket Kings?

The flop came down 33 of DiamondsAAce of SpadesAAce of Clubs improving neither player’s hand, but both perhaps a little concerned that the other could be holding an Ace. Sashimi first to act checked it over, Sia in position put out a smallish bet of $1,600. Sashimi perhaps sensing Sia fearing the Aces, but at the same time getting a feel of where her Jacks were at in the hand, raised it up to $4,000. Sia made the call having to put in just $2,400 into a pot of $12,180. To the Turn they went, with $14,580 in the middle.

The Turn produced the 1010 of Diamonds Sashimi not wanting to slow down wasted no time in shoving all in, giving Sia the hard choice of what to do with her Pocket King’s. Sia faced with a bet of $15,440 and the pot at $30,020 eventually did make the fold, and Sashimi’s aggression did pay off.

Check out the video below to see the hand play out.