Santhosh Turned up To Gamble on High Stakes Week 3

Santhosh Turned up To Gamble on High Stakes Week 3

Santhosh Turned Up to Gamble at Hustler Casino’s High Stakes Week

Check out this hand from day 1 of High stakes week at Hustler Casino Live. It was live streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel on the 27th November 2023. The hand was played between Mariano & Santhosh With the blinds being $100/$200 with a $200 BB Ante.

The action began with Brandon ($102,400) limping into the hand from UTG with AAce of Hearts77 of Spades. In the +1 was Santhosh ($96,900) who wasted no time in beefing the pot up, by putting out a raise to $1,400. This got folds until Mo in ($99,000) in the small blind made the call with AAce of Clubs99 of Clubs. Next to act was Mariano ($99,600)in the big blind, who had woken up with the ladies QQueen of DiamondsQQueen of Clubs. The 3-bet was a meaty one from Mariano, $9,000 was the price his opponents would have to meet to see the flop. Surprinsgly both Santhosh and Mo made the call, and the three of them went to the flop with $27,400 in the pot.

Top Pair, That’s Good Enough for Santhosh

The flop came down JJoker of Diamonds66 of Clubs22 of Diamonds giving Santhosh top pair and Mo had a backdoor flush draw. First to act Mo checked, this led to Mariano sneakily checking as well. Seeing both of his opponents check in-front, Santhosh put out a large bet of $18,000. Mo wasted no time in folding, With the action now on Mariano, and the pot standing at a substantial $45,400 he elected to play his Queen’s aggressively and jammed all in. Santhosh snapped called, perhaps putting Mariano on a hand like Ace-King of Diamonds? Either way Santhosh was gambling and was prepared to play his hand til the end. Both the players agreed to run it twice.

The first run out went KKing of Diamonds, AAce of Diamonds giving Mariano a guaranteed 50% of the pot. the second run was not so favourable, with the JJoker of Hearts on the turn all but sealing a chop pot. There was no miracle Queen on the river, and both players did indeed chop it up.

Check out the video below to see how the hand played out.