Santhosh Just Doesn’t Believe the Professor on HCL

Santhosh Just Doesn’t Believe the Professor on HCL

Santhosh Just Doesn’t Believe the Professor During High Stakes Week, day 3

Check out this hand from day 3 of High stakes week at Hustler Casino Live. It was live streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel on the 29th November 2023. The hand was played between Professor & Santhosh With the blinds being $100/$200/$400.

The action began with Professor ($295,900) raising it to $2,000 from the cut off with 99 of Clubs88 of Clubs. Next to act was Santhosh ($164,000) in the small blind who had woken up with big slick AAce of HeartsKKing of Clubs. He put out a 3-bet to $8,000. This got the rest of the table to fold until it was Professor’s turn to act again. He called the further $6,000. Two players to the flop, with $16,600 in the pot.

The flop came down 55 of Clubs55 of Hearts22 of Clubs giving Professor a flush draw, First to act Santhosh fired out a bet of $10,000. This was met with a raise to $28,000. With no desire to give up, Santhosh made the call with his Ace-King, a hand that on this board could very easily be ahead, or not to far behind. The pot was now at $72,600 going to the turn.

Professor Continues his Aggression

The turn was the 77 of Spades which now gave Professor a gutshot to go with his flush draw. First to act Santhosh checked it over, which was met by a lot of heat. $50,000 was the bet amount put out by Professor. Just like before Santhosh just couldn’t find a fold, and made the call. The pot now stood at an incredible $177,600.

on the river the board double paired when the 77 of Diamonds hit. This was a really bad card for Professor, with the pot standing as large as it did, it was very unlikely an Ace high hand would now fold. After a lot of consideration, Professor did indeed decide to give up on the hand. “you win” was the words from professor as he checked the hand back. This got a huge smile out of Santhosh as he tabled his hand. Nik Airball who was sat between the two players let out a laugh, clearly enjoying the looseness off his fellow players.

Check out the video below to see how the hand played out.