Pepe Turned up to Gamble On Hustler Casino Live

Pepe Turned up to Gamble On Hustler Casino Live

Pepe Turned up to Gamble On High Stakes Friday

Check out this hand played on the 16th September, from a High Stakes Friday Stream on Hustler Casino Live. It Featured, Pepe, Andy Stacks & Mars. The blinds were $50/$100 & a BB Ante of of $100. Will Mars make the call with his bottom two? one thing is for sure, Pepe turned up to gamble.

The action began with Mars who raised it up to $1,400 with 77 of Clubs66 of Clubs. Next to act was Andy Stacks in the Small blind, who threw in a 3-bet to $4000 with AAce of SpadesQQueen of Diamonds. The rest of the table folded until Pepe who was in the High-Jack with a straddle of $400. Pepe was dealt 77 of Diamonds55 of Diamondsand he decided to join the action with his suited connectors, putting in $3,600 to see the flop. Mars also made the call, three players went to the flop with $9,800 in the pot.

Will Mars fold bottom two?

the flop came down 66 of Diamonds77 of SpadesAAce of Hearts Giving Andy Top pair, Mars bottom two pair, and Pepe just middle pair. Andy first to act led out $5000, Pepe made the call, the action was now on Mars, he had no intention of slow playing his bottom two, as he threw in a raise to $16,000. Action now back on Andy, he made the call for the extra $11,000. Here’s where things started to heat up. Pepe with just middle pair, and a backdoor flush draw. Ripped his hand all in for a total of $59,300. On first look you have to question whether he misread his hand? Mars was now in a very awkward spot giving the action in-front. After a little deliberation Mars folded his two pair.

With the action now back on Andy, he announced to the table once Mars had folded, that his decision was now harder. The price he was getting to make the call was not as good. After being in the tank for around three minutes, Andy did eventually lay down his Top pair, second nut kicker. Pepe showed his hand to the dismay of his opponents.

To see how the hand played out check out the video below.