Neymar Stacks Alan Keating For $360k In Incredible Gamble

Neymar Stacks Alan Keating For $360k In Incredible Gamble

Neymar Stacks Alan Keating After a Chopped Pot?

It is no secret Alan Keating loves to gamble, that’s why he’s so entertaining and a firm fan favorite. During his recent exploits at Hustler Casino Live, he took things to a whole other level by gambling $50k a pop on whether the next card would be a diamond. Clearly not bothered by the odds, he was giving Neymar evens on his money. After Six attempts surely Keating has to hit once?

The action happened during a Hustler Casino Live Special Saturday stream, where Neymar was joined by other celebrities and social media influencers, including Dan Bilzerian and Tyler “Ninja” Blevins. The stream took place on Saturday 22nd June and was live streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel.

Four players went to the flop after calling Alan Keating’s ($361,950) 3-bet of $5,000.

The flop 99 of Diamonds22 of ClubsQQueen of Diamonds connected with Neymar ($84,400) 99 of Clubs55 of Hearts who had made a pair of nines, while Keating AAce of Diamonds44 of Diamonds had picked up the nut flush draw. Ninja ($75,250) KKing of Diamonds1010 of Clubs had some equity with a gut shot. Last to act after the others had all checked, Keating bet out $10,000, which was matched by both Neymar & Ninja. Having completely missed Chris Eubank Jr folded.

Will Neymar Jr Sense a Bluff?

After the 66 of Spades on the turn and being checked to for the second time, Keating amped up the pressure with a huge overbet, betting $74,400 into the $50,150 pot. Ninja made the easiest fold of his life, how will Neymar interpret keatings bet? His pair of nines were for sure a good bluff-catching hand. In other words, Keating’s bet was very polarised, either a super nutted hand or a bluff/semi-bluff.

Undeterred to be pushed around, Neymar made the call and although he did not know it, he was an overwhelming 4-1 favorite to win the hand.

Keating asked to run the pot twice, announcing he had a flush draw. The Brazilain Super-Star slammed down his cards on the table, Keating looked visibly shocked that he was called by middle pair.

Alan was guaranteed half of the pot after the 33 of Diamonds landed on the first River. The second runout however split the pot when the 55 of Clubs was revealed.

Hand Ends in a Split pot right? Not quite!

Well, you would be correct in thinking that the hand ended in a split pot… Not quite, enter Mister Keating, the guy known for Spicing things up. He offered Neymar Jr a dream price of evens to run the next card. Just like before Neymar had to fade diamonds. The bet? $50k! After screaming Black numerous times, the next card dealt was the QQueen of Hearts although not black, Neymar took down the $50k side bet.

Neymar reacts to wining the first sidebet
Neymar Jr in hysterics after winning the first side bet

Keating is Not Finished Yet

Enjoying the moment Keating was not finished yet he asked to have another $50k side bet which was happily agreed. Keating’s luck had not changed, the JJoker of Spades resulted in him now being stuck $100k. the pair did it a few more times until Keating had just $74k behind, surely he would win this one? His fate was sealed and his stack empty when Keating revealed the 1010 of Spades after asking to personally look at the card first. What a way to win a $360k pot, all after it had initially been a chop. Props to Alan for bringing the action and creating this memorial moment.

You can watch the action and the reactions in the video below.

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