Gaston Fires a Galant Bluff Vs Mariano

Gaston Fires a Galant Bluff Vs Mariano

Gaston Gallantly Fires a River bluff During High Stakes

Although it was by no means the perfect execution you have to give credit for Gaston’s brave attempt to swing the pot in his direction. The hand occurred during a High Stakes stream at Hustler Casino Live. It was live streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel on January 26th 2024. The hand was played between Gaston & Mariano with the blinds being $50/$100/$100.

The action began with Dr H ($41,975) raising it up to $550 from the high-jack with low suited connectors 44 of Diamonds33 of Diamonds. This was met by a 3-bet from Mariano ($105,500) on the button who had been dealt QQueen of Diamonds99 of Diamonds. The action was folded to Gaston ($25,175) in the big blind who made the call holding AAce of DiamondsJJoker of Diamonds. Dr H put out a further $1,450 and off to the flop they went with $6,350 in the middle.

Each player had Picked up a Piece of the Board

The flop came down JJoker of ClubsQQueen of Hearts44 of Spades Giving each player a piece of the board. Mariano had flopped the best with top pair, Gaston had picked up middle pair. Whilst The Dr had bottom pair. The action was checked around to Mariano who put out a one third of the pot bet of $2,100. Both of his opponents called and the pot now stood at $12,650.

On a turn of 33 of Clubs Dr H took the lead picking up two pairs. Once again the action was checked around to the pre flop aggressor, this time he checked it back.

now it was Mariano’s turn to pick up two pair when the 99 of Clubs was revealed. Having been checked to for a third time Mariano put out a respectable bet of $7,800. The action was now on Gaston who looked unsure what to do, his pair of Jack’s might be good. After some thought however he gallantly turned his hand into a bluff and shipped the remainder of his stack “all in” for $21,175.

A Very Awkward Spot

This was a very awkward spot for Dr H he could only beat a bluff and he still had a player left to act behind. After some consideration he made the correct lay down. The action was now on Mariano who was in the same situation, essentially he was bluff catching. The board was very wet with a couple of possible straights and flushes out there. On his previous appearance on HCL Gaston had played quite loose willing to over gamble. On that occasion Mariano was present and would have been aware of his opponents play style. That most likely factored into it when he made the call, which allowed him to scoop the $55,000 pot.

To see the hand play out check out the video below.

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