Did Mariano Nit Roll? What do You Think?

Did Mariano Nit Roll? What do You Think?

In a $100-$200 blind No Limit Hold’em game held at Hustler Casino Live we arrive at a situation where Mariano had the second nuts and went into the tank.

The action starts with Jungleman limping for $100 with 9♣️3♣️, Mariano completed from the small blind with A♥️5♦️and TJ checking his option with 2♠️2♣️. They went to the flop with a small pot of $425. The flop came down 4♠️2♥️3♠️. This is a dream flop for Mariano with the second nut straight against bottom set held by TJ. Brian checked the flop and Jungle led for $200. Mariano, sitting with the wheel raised to $1,100. Bryan called the raise and Jungle bluff-raised to $4000. Mariano called the bet and Bryan moved all-in.

This is where it gets interesting. Remember, Mariano holds the second best possible hand, only 5-6 has him beat. When Mariano didn’t snap call the all-in, the commentator, David Tuchman, wondered if Mariano was pulling off a nit-roll.

What is a Nit Roll?

Unlike a slow-roll when you know you have the best hand and make it seem as you do not until you make the other player call. A nit-roll is someone afraid to call with a very strong hand, which everybody else would make a quick call.

Did Mariano Nit Roll? The truth is, holding the second nuts in an unraised pot with your opponent in the third blind, it is possible for him to have 5-6. Regardless, it seemed like a trivial call and eventually Mariano made the call. The pot was $70,375. They decided to run it twice and Bryan hit the runner runner flush on the second board and they split the pot. You can see the hand here:

To watch the full stream watch here: