Brad Owen Gets Saved by the Run Out: WPT Creator Game

Brad Owen Gets Saved by the Run Out: WPT Creator Game

Brad Owen Gets Saved Vs Apestyles in the WPT Creator Cash Game

Check out this hand from a $25/$50 Content creator stream that occurred on a World Poker Tour Stream (WPT). It was live streamed on their YouTube and Twitch channels on December 7th 2023. The hand was played between WPT Global‘s Latest Ambassador Jon Van “Apestyles” Fleet & YouTube Vlogger and fellow WPT ambassador Brad Owen.

The action began with Apestyles ($9,170) in the cut-off raising it up to $150 with 1010 of Spades1010 of Diamonds. Next to act was Brad ($13,000) who threw in a 3-bet to $450 with KKing of Clubs1010 of Clubs. The blinds folded and the action was back on Jon, who just made the call with his pocket Ten’s. Heads up to the flop with $975 in the middle.

What a Flop Top Two vs a Set!

The flop was an absolute cooler 33 of Clubs1010 of HeartsKKing of Spades top two for Brad, while Apestyles had flopped a set of Ten’s. First to act Apestyles checked it over to his opponent, this was met by a sizeable bet of $600 from Owen. Jon was now faced with the dilemma of how to play his set of Ten’s. There is an argument for both raising, or just flatting and setting the trap. The latter is what Jon went with, the pot now stood at $2,175 going to the Turn.

The Turn was a card that neither player would have liked to have seen QQueen of Hearts. Ace-Jack would have now got there, less likely but still possible Jack Nine too for straights. If Jon was holding King-Queen that would have now over taken Brad’s two pair. Once again Jon checked, this time Brad checked back.

The river revealed another very made card the 99 of Diamonds if either player had a jack a straight would have got there. First to act Apestyles this time led out with a bet of $900. On this board texture there is no way Owen would be able to re-raise as a bluff, and there is a number of hands Owen can call with. Fearing Owen would check back a ton of hands, Jon went for value with his set. Not wanting to let his two pair go, Owen did make the call, and received the bad news when Apestyles turned over his hand. Brad Owen was definitely saved by the run out here, he essentially lost the minimum.

To see the hand play out, check out the video below.