Alan Keating Will Return for Super High Stakes Week on HCL

Alan Keating Will Return for Super High Stakes Week on HCL

Alan Keating Will Return for Super High Stakes Week 3: Historic 24-Hour Poker Stream

In a thrilling announcement on Hustler Casino Lives X account (formerly known as Twitter) Alan Keating will make a grand comeback to the high stakes show. Headlining the upcoming Super High Stakes Week from November 27th to December 1st.

For five consecutive days, the stakes will soar to $100/200 with a jaw-dropping minimum buy-in of $100,000.

The highlight of the week is set for Friday, December 1st. Keating and others plan to make history with the first-ever 24-hour poker stream. This unprecedented marathon promises non-stop excitement.

HCL have announced the names of some of the other poker players who will be taking part. Nik Airball, Andy Stacks, Stanley tang, and Pennzoil Don to name a few, will be gracing the show.

Amid the buzz, Martin Kabrhel, a prominent figure in the poker world, hinted on Twitter about an open seat. The question on everyone’s mind: Would Hustler Casino Live extend an invitation to Kabrhel to participate? with a shadow of cheating allegations casting doubt on his reputation, the prospect of Kabrhel joining the lineup adds an intriguing layer to the event.

Martin Asking if a seat is still open for HCL

As the poker community eagerly awaits the showdown, Super High Stakes Week 3 is shaping up to be a spectacle of unprecedented proportions. With Keating’s return and the potential inclusion of Kabrhel promising unforgettable moments at the tables.

This will be the third time that HCL has hosted a High Stakes Week. This time around they seem to be going above and beyond, with the pinnacle being the ultimate challenge with the 24 hour show, how many of the players will play the full amount?

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