Airball Lays into Mariano for Table Nit-Roll

Airball Lays into Mariano for Table Nit-Roll

Airball Lays into Mariano For Nit Rolling King Henry

Nik Airball has never been one to mince his words and he let Mariano know exactly what he thought about his two minute+ tank with Pocket King’s. The hand occurred during a Friday night High Stakes stream at Hustler Casino Live. It was live streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel on February 2nd 2024. The hand was played between Mariano & King Henry with the blinds being $50/$100/$100.

The action began with Nik Airball ($191,350) raising it up to $300 from the +1 with KKing of SpadesQQueen of Diamonds. This was met by a $1,000 3-bet from Mariano ($104,500) who had been dealt the cowboys KKing of HeartsKKing of Clubs. Next to join the hand was Henry ($62,250) in the small blind who opted to play his AAce of DiamondsQQueen of Spades aggressively by raising it up to $4,000. This was more then enough to get Airball to fold and the action was now back on Mariano. He responded by 5-betting it to $11,500 after asking his opponent for a count of his stack. Henry’s next move was “All in” what would usually be a snap call was anything but.

He Feared his Opponent had been dealt Aces

Mariano at the time was stuck around $50k for the night and later went onto say he was down around $200k for the week. Having been running so poorly he feared the worst and that was his opponent had been dealt Aces. After revealing his hand after a two minute+ tank, Airball replied “ok get me racks I’m out” clearly agitated by Mariano’s nit-roll.

His response was “I thought he had Aces”. To which Airball replied “Dude it’s so out of line your never folding, it’s just a waste of time”. “I’ve folded Kings before” Mariano chimed back “I took one or two minutes what’s the big deal, why are you in such a rush. The two continued to bicker back and forth and eventually the hand was dealt. Both players elected to run the $124,700 pot twice.

After all the Drama, the Pot Ended up Being Chopped

The first board ran out 22 of Hearts1010 of Spades33 of Spades55 of Spades99 of Spades giving the first run to King Henry who held the Queen of spades in his hand.

On the second run the board was a lot less dramatic JJoker of Hearts77 of Hearts77 of DiamondsJJoker of Diamonds44 of Diamonds with Mariano’s King’s holding true for a chopped pot.

Both Mariano & Airball went on to exchange more words with Mariano wanting the insurance that Airball was cool with him. Once the air had cleared Nik did remain for the rest of the show.

Check out the clip below which was posted onto Hustler Casino Live’s X Account.