3 Way All in Madness: What a Profound Runout!

3 Way All in Madness: What a Profound Runout!

3 Way All in: Will Linglin’s flopped Top Pair hold?

Check out this hand from the latest installment of “The Ante Game” from Hustler Casino Live. Can Linglins’ Top Pair Top Kicker hold? The action was live-streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel on May 14th, 2024. The hand was played between Linglin, Sashimi & Luda Chris. The blinds are set at $25/50 with a $25 Ante paid per player.

In what has become a common strategy in the Ante Game, Luda Chris ($76,700) limped into the action with JJoker of HeartsJJoker of Clubs from UTG. Limping with strong hands has been used effectively in prior episodes. The strategy hopes to induce someone in a later position to squeeze bet the pot with inferior holdings.

Sashimi ($8,000) in the +1 also underplayed her hand and limped into the hand with AAce of HeartsQQueen of Spades. In the +2 Big John ($27,700) joined in with 1010 of Hearts99 of Hearts. Having seen three limps in front, Dr. H ($20,500) opted to get aggressive and raised it to $300 with 88 of Diamonds55 of Diamonds. Both Nick Vertucci & Britney called with suited connectors of their own. Waiting on the Button was Linglin ($48,575), having witnessed the action so far, her objective was to narrow the field size down. She chucked out a meaty 3-bet to $2,000 with AAce of DiamondsKKing of Diamonds.

The action was now on the initial limper Luda Chris, would his limp strategy prevail? The time for slowplaying was no more, as he 4-betted it to $7,000. With just $7,975 behind, Sashimi figured it was time to gamble, and got the rest of her stack in the middle.

Linglin was Not Afraid to 5-bet

The rest of the table folded and the action was now back on Linglin. She responded by showing no fear, putting out a hefty 5-bet of $30,000. After serious consideration, Chris did eventually get the rest of his stack in the middle, putting Linglin all in for a total of $48,575.

After a flop of KKing of Spades88 of Clubs66 of SpadesLinglin was a huge favorite to take down the Monstrous $106,175 pot with her pair of Kings. The 55 of Spades on the turn now gave sashimi some hope having picked up the spade flush-draw.

Linglin could never have imagined the river though, it was the cruelest of outcomes. She ended up losing the entire pot once the JJoker of Spades was turned over, allowing Luda Chris to win the main pot, Sashimi picked up the side pot with her Flush.

To watch the hand play out watch the video below.