Xuan Liu Makes Impressive Fold Vs Dan Smith

Xuan Liu Makes Impressive Fold Vs Dan Smith

Xuan Liu Makes Impressive Fold In the $100/$200 WPT Cash Game

Check out this hand from a $100/$200 World Poker Tour cash game Stream (WPT). It was live streamed on their YouTube and Twitch channels on December 9th 2023. The hand was played between Xuan Liu & Dan Smith.

The action began with a $400 straddle from UTG by Alex ($104k)who had been dealt AAce of Hearts99 of Diamonds. In the cut-off was Smith ($40k) who raised it up to $2,200 with QQueen of HeartsJJoker of Clubs, this was met by a call by Xuan ($71k) in the big Blind with AAce of ClubsJJoker of Diamonds. Two players went to the flop, with $5,000 in the middle.

1010 of Diamonds1010 of HeartsKKing of Diamonds came on the flop giving both players a broadway gutshot. Xuan first to act checked it over to Dan, who fired out a bet of $2,000. Xuan made the call and the pot now stood at $9,000.

The turn produced the AAce of Spades giving Xuan top pair, Dan however had hit his gutshot and now had the broadway straight. Just as before Xuan checked it over. $6,500 was the bet Xuan was faced with. Even though her hand had improved having hit the ace, she made an impressive fold, made more so by the fact she had a jack in her hand.

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