Wolfgang Poker Sails To Victory

Wolfgang Poker Sails To Victory

During a $25/$25/$50 game on Poker At The Lodge, we saw Wolfgang Poker with a pair of sailboats extracting maximum value from Andrew Neeme.

The action folded to Wolfgang Poker in the Cut-Off and he decided to raise to $300 with 4♠️4♥️ and $41,625 in his stack. The Button and both blinds folded. Next up was Andrew Neeme UTG with J♣️9♥️ who called with $20,425 in his stack and it was a heads-up to the flop between Wolfgang Poker and Andrew Neeme.

The J♦️3♠️Q♠️ came on the flop, making top pair for Andrew and a pair of sailboats as well as a flush draw for Wolfgang. Andrew checked and Wolfgang followed with a $275 bet which Andrew called and they took a turn with the pot at $1,275.

Wolfgang turned a set when the 4♦️ came onto the board. Once again Andrew checked and Wolfgang bet. Another $1,500 from both players went into the middle and they went to the river. 

Wolfgang Poker Sails To Victory: The River

The board paired on the river with a Q♣️ and made the full-house for Wolfgang. Andrew just checked again and this time Wolfgang went for an overbet of $6,500. Andrew called and to showdown they went. 

To see the full action of the hand and how it was analyzed in real-time, see the video below.

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