Wolfgang Poker Flops Back to Back Sets Playing $2/$5

Wolfgang Poker Flops Back to Back Sets Playing $2/$5

Wolfgang Poker Flops Back To Back Sets at Agua Caliente, Palm Springs

Let’s take a look at a couple of hands from Wolfgang Poker‘s latest vlog. The action was uploaded to  his YouTube channel on December 27th 2023. Wolfgang remarkably flops back to back Sets whilst playing $2/$5 at Agua Caliente Palm Springs.

The action in the first hand began with Alexander “Wolfgang” Seibt ($1,000) raising it up to $15 from UTG with his favourite hand, pocket Seven’s 77 of Diamonds77 of Spades. Five players called him with the pot standing at $90 as they proceeded to the flop.

The flop came down QQueen of HeartsJJoker of Spades77 of Spades giving Alex a set of seven’s. When the action was on Wolfgang he fired a bet of $50 into the pot. There was just the once caller, a player known to Alex as “Lucky” ($545). There was now $190 in the middle going to the turn.

on the turn was the 44 of Spades a very safe looking card for our hero, it did however put another flush draw on the board. This time Lucky led out with a bet of $75. Alex believed his opponent was leading out on a flush draw. “So when he fires out for $75 it seems like he is trying to set the right price with a straight or flush draw”. Alex reacted by raising it up to $225, his opponent made the call, can he live up to his name and get lucky?

Wolfgang action going to the river
The Pot stood at $640 going to the River

There is Lucky and then there is Unlucky

what a river! the JJoker of Hearts was the mother of all action cards. not only did it give Alex a fullhouse but it also made a flush. First to act Lucky jammed all in for his remaining $255. After double checking his cards to definitely make sure he had pocket seven’s alex made the call. Scooping the $1,150 pot. His opponent did indeed make a flush on the River, 1010 of Hearts was his holding’s.

Will Wolfgang experience another Win Fall with his Set?

This time around Wolfgang ($1,600) was in the big blind, he had been dealt the crab’s aka pocket three’s 33 of Clubs33 of Diamonds. There had been a limp from Layer Joe ($1,100) from the +2, which was met by a raise of $25 from an unknown player, tagged as “Villain” in the high-jack. Both alex and the +2 made the call, the pot stood at $77 going to the flop.

Once again another set! the flop came 88 of Hearts44 of Diamonds33 of Spades. the action was checked over to the Villain in the high-jack who put out a bet of $35. Wolfgang opted to play his hand aggressively raising it up to $125. This was met by a call from Joe and a fold from the Villian. Going to the turn there was $362 in the middle.

What An Incredible Laydown

on the turn was the 66 of Spades a safe card you would have to feel. Wolfgang checked it over to Joe who responded heavily with an over bet of $385. After some consideration Wolfgang made an incredible laydown, believing his opponent was not bluffing. A set of Eight’s or Four’s the most logical of holdings. Alex tabled his hand in the hope the +2 would show his hand and show he did. Tossing the cards in Wolfgang’s direction, to prevent the rest of the table from seeing. What did his opponent have? well it wasn’t a set, it was a straight no less. 22 of Spades55 of Spades was Joe’s holdings for a six high straight with a flush re-draw.

Wolfgang Peeled back Deuce, Five
Wolfgang Peeled back Deuce, Five of Spades

What an incredible couple of hands from Wolfgang’s Vlog, check out the video below to watch the action.

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