Will Sashimi’s Aggression Backfire?

Will Sashimi’s Aggression Backfire?

Will Sashimi’s Aggression Backfire During High Stakes Wednesday Stream?

You could say Sashimi took a risk here, but what is poker without the odd risk. Let’s take a look at This hand that took place at Hustler Casino Live with the action live-streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel on the 20th of March 2024. The hand was played between Sashimi & Matt With the blinds being $25/$50/$100 + a $50 BB Ante.

The action began with Brown Balla ($55,950) raising it to $1000 from the high-jack having been dealt AAce of Spades88 of Hearts. Next to act was Sashimi ($25,575) in the cut-off who made the call holding pocket sixes 66 of Hearts66 of Diamonds. After a couple of folds, it was now Matt’s ($13,875) turn to act in the big blind. His response was to play his AAce of DiamondsQQueen of Diamonds aggressively,$3,600 was the 3-bet amount. Brown Balla put in a further $2,600 to see the flop. Now usually you would expect to see Sashimi just flat here, given the fact she had just called before. not this time though, she had other ideas. “All in” was her play for her remaining $25,575. Matt made the call, and after announcing “I cant make the call with Ace-eight off-suit” Ball folded.

Both players agreed to run the $31,725 pot twice. The first run on the flop gave balla an Ace AAce of Hearts33 of Hearts1010 of Hearts although sashimi was now drawing to a hearts flush draw. What no one expected to see was the 66 of Spades giving Sashimi the first run.

Run number two was not quite so dramatic, the flop came down 22 of Diamonds99 of Clubs1010 of Spades which kept Sashimi’s sixes in the lead. Just like the previous run though, the turn was Pivotal. Brown balla took the lead once the QQueen of Spades was revealed, there was no miracle one outer for Sashimi and the pair chopped up the pot.

Check out the hand in the video below.

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