Will Phil Laak be Tamed by the wolf?

Will Phil Laak be Tamed by the wolf?

Wolfgang Poker Senses Blood on the River Vs Phil Laak at Bally Live

Phil Laak was again back playing live-streamed poker for only the second time since 2017. His last outing was on March 4th, 2024, when Phil participated in season 12 episode 3 of High Stakes Poker.

Let’s look at this hand that featured Phil Laak and Wolfgang Poker during a cash game stream at Bally Live Poker. The action was live-streamed on  Bally Live Poker’s YouTube channel on the 6th of March 2024, with the blinds being $50/$100/$200.

the action kicked off with Wolfgang ($18,200) raising it up to $500 from the high-jack with KKing of DiamondsJJoker of Spades. This prompted several players to fold until Phil ($19,500) on the button made the call with AAce of SpadesQQueen of Spades. Turbo ($29.8k) the under the gun straddler made the call too with QQueen of Hearts33 of Hearts. three players went to the flop with $1,700 in the middle.

Phil Picks up the Lion’s share of the Flop

The flop came down 1010 of Spades44 of SpadesQQueen of Diamonds giving Laak not only top pair top kicker but also the spade nut flush draw. Turbo had also picked up top pair, whereas Wolfgang had an up-and-down straight draw. Last to act Laak fired out $600 after being checked to. Turbo made the call and the action was now on Wolfgang who decided to raise the heat. He raised it to $2,200 with his inferior draw. Laak made the call, having seen enough action in front, Turbo let go of his weak Queen. Heads up to the turn, the pot now stood at $6,700.

On the turn was a non-eventful 33 of Clubs. Out of position, Wolfgang continued the aggression by leading out with a hefty bet of $4k. Undeterred by the large bet, Phil made the call and to the river, the pair went.

What a cooler of a river 99 of Diamonds for Laak up until this point he had played the hand masterfully. Now that his opponent has the goods will he pay up? With the pot standing tall at $14,700 and Wolfgang smelling blood, he jammed his remaining $11,500 “all in”. After a little deliberation Laak did indeed make the call, a hand he would like to have played again no doubt.

To see the hand play out and the rest of the stream, check out the video below.

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