Will “On Tilt Nick’s” Semi-Bluff Destroy T1000?

Will “On Tilt Nick’s” Semi-Bluff Destroy T1000?

Will “On Tilt Nick’s” Semi Bluff Get There?

Let’s look at this hand played at Poker At the Lodge between “On tilt Nick” & T1000 with the blinds set at $5/10. The action was live-streamed on Poker At the Lodge’s YouTube Channel on the 19th of May 2024.

After a $25 straddle from UTG, Nick ($7k) in the low-jack put out a bet of $75 with 77 of Spades66 of Spades. After several folds, Tito ($26.8k) in the small blind made the call holding AAce of Hearts77 of Clubs. The big blind folded, and the action was now on T1000 ($27k) the UTG straddler. He looked down at AAce of DiamondsJJoker of Diamonds and fired out a meaty 3-bet to $450. Nick Made the call, however, Tito had seen enough and mucked his cards. Two players to the flop with $995 in the middle.

The flop 1010 of Spades55 of ClubsJJoker of Spades smelled of potential fireworks after T1000 had flopped top pair, whilst Nick had a spade flush draw. First to act the pre-flop Aggressor led out with a sizeable bet of $700, which was snapped off by Nick.

After the 88 of Hearts on the Turn Nick had picked up further outs, he now had an open-ended straight draw to go with the flush draw. Out of Position T1000 continued to fire away, this time around with a bet of $1,700. Once again Nick continued to play fast, he immediately shoved “all in”. After a little consideration, the Machine T1000 made the call and was a 66% favorite to win the $13,495 pot.

In the Terminator Films, the only thing that could destroy the T1000 was molten Lava. Luckily for Nick his River was just as powerful, the 99 of Hearts completed his straight, and it was another victory for Man Vs Machines.

Check out the video below to see the hand unfold.