Will Luda Chris See Through Don’s river bluff?

Will Luda Chris See Through Don’s river bluff?

Will Luda Chris make the correct River call vs Pennzoil Don?

After a rather mundane Maximum Pain Monday, Tuesday’s the Ante game really did bring the action with a number of large pot’s Let’s take a look at the first one that occurred. The hand was played at Hustler Casino Live & was live streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel on the 23rd of January 2024. The hand was played between Pennzoil Don & Luda Chris with the blinds being $25/$50 with every player paying a $25 ante into the pot.

In the +2 Pennzoil Don ($31,050) opened the action to $225 with suited connectors 66 of Hearts44 of Hearts. This was called by Jboogs‘ ($90,75) in the +3 who had suited connectors of his own QQueen of DiamondsJJoker of Diamonds. Up next was the ever aggressive Luda Chris ($29,975) who on this occasion actually had a respectable hand. $1,300 was the amount he 3-betted it to. Undeterred and unwilling to fold Pennzoil made the call as did Jboogs. Three players to the flop with $4,050 in the middle.

Luda Is way out in Front

On the flop 44 of Clubs22 of ClubsAAce of Diamonds Luda was way out in front having flopped an ace. Pennzoil had a pair of fours, meanwhile Boogs had a backdoor flush draw. the action was checked around to Luda who fired out a bet of $1,000. JBoogs wanted no further part to play and was disinterested in chasing his backdoor potential. Pennzoil however with his pair of fours made the call. Heads up to the turn they went with the pot standing at $6,050.

The turn was the 77 of Hearts once checked to Luda bet out $3,800. Don knowing his opponent is an aggressive player made the call once more. there was now $13,650 in play going to the river.

the 55 of Diamonds put four cards to a straight on board, if either player had a “3” they would now have the wheel. for a third time Luda bet this time with a bet of $6,000 this was instantly met by a re-raise from Don to $16,000. the pot now stood at $35,650 and Luda only had to call $10,000 more. The question is, how often does Pennzoil bluff here? After a lot of thought Luda did make the correct call, allowing him to scoop the $45,650 pot.