Will Adelstein’s Daring Bluff Get Antonius to Fold?

Will Adelstein’s Daring Bluff Get Antonius to Fold?

Patrik Antonius is Faced with a Large All In on the River from Adelstein

Will Adelstein’s daring Bluff get Through? Check out this hand from Bally Live, Tropicana Las Vegas. The action was live streamed on Bally Live Poker’s YouTube channel on the 13th December 2023. Patrik Antonius ,Curtis Meeks, and Garett Adelstein were the players involved in this $100/$200 game. Commentary was from Joey Ingram.

The action began with Patrik ($162,700) raising it up to $1,200 from the +1 with 99 of Hearts88 of Hearts. This was met by a call from Eric Persson ($209,000) who had been dealt 77 of Hearts77 of Clubs. Last to act was Garett ($654,000) who threw in a 3-bet to $6,000. Antonius & Curtis made the call, Eric wanted no further part to play with his suited hand. Three players went to the flop with $20,100 in the middle.

The flop came down 88 of Clubs33 of Hearts44 of Spades giving Patrik top pair, Curtis had to feel relatively confident with his pocket Sevens. First to act Patrik checked, as did Curtis. Garett continued his pre flop aggression by putting out a C-Bet of $10,000. Antonius made the call, as did Curtis. The pot now stood at a considerable $50,100.

Adelstein Shows No Signs of Slowing Down

The turn was another low card the 66 of Hearts a card you would have to feel would favor Antonius and Curtis’ range. This did not stop Adelstein from firing another bet however. $35,000 was the price he was charging the others to stick around. Patrik made the call, re-raising would have been a reasonable play too having picked up decent equity with the flush draw. Curtis had seen enough and folded his pair of Sevens. Two players to the river was the pot now at $120,100.

Had Curtis hung around he would have hit a straight on the river when the 55 of Clubs landed. Patrik for a third time checked it over, even though the board had became wetter Garrett showed no fear as he jammed all in charging Patrick $111,700 to make the call. After a lot of though, Patrik did lay the hand down. Adelstein’s risky bluff seeped the rewards.

Check out the video below to see how it panned out.