Will Action Dan’s Table Image Induce an Ace High Call?

Will Action Dan’s Table Image Induce an Ace High Call?

Action Dan’s Table Image has Tom in a Pickle

Make no mistake about it, Action Dan is all too aware of how others perceive him on the felt. Let’s take a look at this hand where he takes full advantage. The hand occurred during a Friday night’s High Stakes stream at Hustler Casino Live. It was live-streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel on May 4th, 2024. The hand was played between Action Dan & Tom with the blinds being $50/$100/$100.

After Francisco ($76,700) limped from UTG with 1010 of Hearts88 of Hearts, Action Dan ($166,200) beefed up the pot by raising it to $1,000 with 99 of Diamonds88 of Clubs. Regardless of being out of position, Tom ($61,925) had no qualms in 3-betting it to $5,000 having been dealt AAce of HeartsQQueen of Spades. This got the rest of the table to fold except Dan, who made the call. The pair went to the flop with $10,600 in the middle.

Action Dan Floats the Flop with Air

Tom remained in the lead after a flop of 77 of Hearts22 of Hearts33 of Spades, First to act he led out with a modest bet of $3,000. Undeterred by missing the flop, Dan floated the flop in position. Perhaps intending to try and take the pot down on later streets.

After the 99 of Spades was revealed on the turn, Tom shut down and checked it over to his aggressive opponent. Unfortunately for Tom, Dan had picked up a pair of nines. Ironically Dan most likely would have bet here regardless, the $9.5k bet was a lot easier to make though, having now picked up equity with a pair of nines. After a little thought, Tom made the call, and off they went to the river, with the pot now standing tall at $35,600.

Another Brick landed on the river 44 of Clubs for Tom, just how much faith will he have with his Ace-queen high? Being fully aware of his table image, Dan knew even though his hand was not particularly strong, he could still get value. Several draws had missed, including the heart flush draw, So you can not blame Tom for calling $24k on the river. This was a true example of Dan maximizing his table image.