Who Will Come Out On Top After This Action Packed Flop

Who Will Come Out On Top After This Action Packed Flop

What An Action Packed Flop During Thirsty Friday

Wow, what a flop during this Thirsty Thursday stream at Hustler Casino Live. It was live-streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel on the 16th May 2024. The hand was played between Britney & Tal, with the blinds being $10/$20/$40 + a $20 BB Ante.

After Ronnie limped UTG, Tal ($20,480) in the +2 opted to get dicey by raising it to $200 with 88 of Hearts44 of Hearts. “U Call u Big” ($17,950) in the cut-off was feeling just as adventurous, as he further raised the ante to $700 with 55 of Hearts33 of Hearts. After several folds, Nick Vertucci ($27,870) in the Big Blind made the call with the best hand thus far, AAce of ClubsQQueen of Hearts. Last to act was Britney ($23,360) in the third blind, who cold-called with pocket sevens 77 of Spades77 of Hearts. Ronnie folded, and off they went four handed to the flop with $2,890 in the middle.

Wow! What an Action Packed flop

The dream scenario for Tal, after a flop of 55 of Spades66 of Diamonds77 of Diamonds he had made an eight-high straight. Not only that, but his opponent Britney had a monster flop of her own, a set of Sevens!. Second to action she had no intention of slow playing her set on such a wet board multi-way, Britney led out with a sizeable bet of $1,500. With the action now on Tal, he decided to slow play his straight and flatted the bet. both Nick and “U call u big” folded. Two players to the turn with $5,890 in the middle.

The turn was a safe one for Tal after the 22 of Clubs was revealed. Just as she had done before, Britney continued to lead out, this time with a bet of $2,900. Again Tal just made the call.

The River was another safe one 33 of Clubs, although the board was a little wetter, Britney would now be dead to a four. With the diamond flush draw missing, and perhaps to induce a bluff from her opponent, she checked it over. The bet was a large one from Tal, $10,000. 10 Large is what Britney was faced with, this did not phase her though, she snapped called, and received the bad news. What an unfortunate flop for her.

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