Who needs a Hand When your Action Dan!

Who needs a Hand When your Action Dan!

Player L Choose the Wrong Time to Raise Action Dan

Who needs a hand when your “Action dan”? Nine-six suited, that will do! Let’s take a look at this crazy hand that was played at Bally Live Poker. The action was live-streamed on Bally Live Poker’s YouTube channel on the 28th of March 2024. The blinds were $25/$50 + A $50 Big Blind ante.

“Player L” ($23.7k) wasted little time raising it up to $300 from the cut-off with 77 of Diamonds66 of Hearts. Waiting in the small blind was Dan ($49.1k), living up to his nickname Dan chucked out a 3-bet to $1,300 with just 99 of Diamonds66 of Diamonds. The big blind folded, and to the flop the pair went with $2.8k in play.

Both players had picked up a pair on a flop of 99 of Clubs77 of Hearts22 of Diamonds. First to act Dan led out with his top pair with a bet of $1,100. Undeterred and unwilling to fold his middle pair, “Player L” made the call and to the turn they went.

After the JJoker of Diamonds on the turn Dan’s hand had improved further, he had now picked up a diamond flush draw. Just like before, he led into his opponent. $2,800 was the amount “Player L” was faced with. Rather than just call with his pair of sevens which could have been good against his opponent’s playstyle, he opted to raise it to $7,000. No doubt this play probably had Dan scratching his head, unphased though, his next play was to jam “All in”.

You would expect “Player L” to fold here, wouldn’t you? well, he thought about it for quite some time before chucking his cards into the muck. what a hand!

Check out the video below to see the hand and to watch the rest of the stream.

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