Unbelievable Flop Between Luda Chris & Jboogs

Unbelievable Flop Between Luda Chris & Jboogs

What an Insane Flop for Luda & Jboogs: The Ante Game

Let’s take a look at this insane flop and run out that was played at Hustler Casino Live. The action was live-streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel on April 2nd, 2024. The hand was played between Jeremy “Jboogs” Levin & Luda Chris. With the blinds being $25/$50 with every player paying a $25 ante into the pot.

After a limp in front Jboogs ($18,800) got the action pumping from the +1 when he raised it up to $300 with 77 of Diamonds66 of Diamonds. Next to act was Luda Chris ($97,575), a player renowned for playing a very loose Style. Living up to his Image, Luda put out a 3-bet to $1,100 with a suited connected hand of his own 88 of Hearts66 of Hearts. In the Cut-off JT ($42,500) joined the hand with KKing of DiamondsQQueen of Spades. After a couple of folds the action was back on Jeremy, he made the call. Three players to the flop with $3,450 in the middle.

Wow, What a flop!

After chucking out a three-bet pre=flop, Luda could not have envisioned flopping so well. After a board of 77 of Spades55 of Diamonds44 of Spades Luda had flopped the nut straight, whilst Jboogs had picked up top pair + an up and down straight draw. First to act Jeremy led into his opponents with a bet of $2,000. At times this could be the spot to trap your opponents, however, the board was wet, and also going in Luda’s favor was his table image. If his opponents had a little something, they were incredibly unlikely to fold to a raise. Raise it he did, a min-raise was the play. Having completely missed, JT got out of the way.

With the action now back on Jboogs, against a player like Luda, this spot was a no-brainer, he had flopped to well, against an opponent who has a very wide range of possible hands. “All in” were the words from Jboogs, which was immediately met by a snap call from his opponents. The players agreed to run the hand twice.

Jboogs Picks up Some Life Not Once, But Twice

After the 77 of Clubs on the first turn, Boogs had picked up some equity, if the board were to pair or the case seven appear he would win the first run out. Sadly the Poker Gods threw a needle at Jboogs as he hit his under-straight when the 33 of Diamonds landed on the river.

the second run-out was just as infuriating for Jeremy, he picked up some more live when the 55 of Spades was revealed on the turn. His glimmer of hope didn’t last for long though, as once again he hit a straight on the river to no avail. Luda’s Eight-high straight was enough to win both runs, and scoop the $38,850 pot.

Check out the video below to see how the hand played out, and to watch the rest of the stream.