Top Pair? That is Enough For Pepe In this $170k Pot

Top Pair? That is Enough For Pepe In this $170k Pot

Pepe Has no Fear with Just Top Pair in this $170k Super High Stakes Pot

Let’s take a look at this $170k pot from a Super High Stakes stream at Hustler Casino Live. It was live streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel on January 12th 2024. The hand was played between Raymond & Pepe With the blinds being $100/$200/$400.

The action began with Brandon ($98,300) raising it up to $1,700 from the high-jack with KKing of Clubs1010 of Spades. Next to follow was Pepe ($80,700) in the cut-off who joined the action with QQueen of HeartsJJoker of Diamonds. In the big blind was Raymond ($188,400) liking what he had been dealt he chucked in a 3-bet to $8,000 with QQueen of SpadesJJoker of Spades. Last to act was Airball ($164,400) who made a controlled lay-down with pocket seven’s 77 of Spades77 of Hearts. Both Brandon & Pepe made the call and to the flop they went with $24,900 in the middle.

Raymond & Pepe both hit their Queen when the QQueen of Diamonds66 of Hearts22 of Hearts was dealt on the flop, it could be a case of who want’s this pot the most with both players not overly loving their kicker. Raymond the pre flop aggressor first to act, led out with a half pot size bet of $12,000. Brandon having completely missed made an easy fold. With the action now on Pepe he made what could be deemed as a unconventional play, as he threw in a raise to $32,000. Undeterred by Pepe’s raise Raymond 3-betted it putting his opponent all in. The call was made and the pot stood at an incredible $170,300.

Both players agreed to run it twice, unfortunately that was not enough to create any further action. The runouts of 99 of Clubs, 88 of Spades and AAce of Spades, 88 of Hearts were anything thing but thrilling, what this hand did showcase though is that Pepe was not afraid to get his chips in the middle light.