Texas Card House’s First Live Stream From the Rio Grande Valley

Texas Card House’s First Live Stream From the Rio Grande Valley

$50K Madness Tournament: Texas Card House Hosts First Live Stream at Rio Grande Valley

Winning $15,000 from a mere $100 investment sounds incredibly enticing, doesn’t it? That was the grand prize awaiting participants in the Texas Card House’s 50k Madness tournament, which took place from March 18th to March 24th at the TCH Rio Grande Valley. This event marked the inaugural live stream from the Valley.

The final table commenced with nine players, several were short-stacked, with the blinds set at 50k/100k/100k.

Final Table chip counts, player names
Randy started the final table as the chip leader

Tomas Unluckily Busts in Third

With three players remaining Tomas was looking to try and double up when he jammed his remaining stack of 1.675M on the Button holding AAce of Clubs99 of Hearts. In the big blind was the runaway chip leader Randy (12.7M), who made the call with QQueen of ClubsJJoker of Clubs. After a Jack on the flop JJoker of Hearts1010 of Clubs33 of Diamonds Tomas was drawing incredibly thin, and unluckily for him he could not catch up. He did, however, have a nice consolation prize of $5,110 to take home with him.

Rio Grande Valley, March madness payouts
Tomas finished in 3rd for $5,110

Randy Dominates as He Heads into Heads-Up Play with a Significant Lead

Going into the heads-up battle there was only one clear favorite, Randy held a huge 7.5-1 lead over his opponent Donald. Feeling the increased blind levels, Donald had no time to waste, if he were to get back into this he would have to attack and try and double up. Sadly for him Although he got his Chips in the middle close to being a flip. His fate was all but sealed when his JJoker of Hearts1010 of Diamonds was heavily out flopped by his opponent holding QQueen of Diamonds44 of Diamonds on a 33 of Spades44 of Hearts44 of Clubs. After the 22 of Diamonds landed on the turn, Donald drew dead, it was time for the players to shake hands, what a nice ROI for Randy as he turns $100 into $15k.

To see the First ever Live stream from TCH Rio Grande Valley check out the video below.