Straddle Madness At HCL Brings the Action

Straddle Madness At HCL Brings the Action

Straddle Madness in Wednesday’s $25/$50 Game at Hustler Casino Live

Love them or hate them, one thing is for certain Straddles bring the action. During this hand played at Hustler Casino Live, the Straddle got as high as $3,200. The action was live-streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel. On the 14th of February 2024. The hand was played between Suited Superman & King Henry With the blinds being $25/$50 + a $50 BB ante.

After numerous straddles and re-straddles the min price to see the flop was an insane $3,200. After a couple of folds, the action was back on the original straddler Suited Superman ($31,925) in the +2. his play was to move “all in” with AAce of SpadesQQueen of Diamonds. A few more players folded and it was now Henry’s ($75,000) turn to act in the cut-off. This was no standard spot for his sevens 77 of Hearts77 of Clubs, but given the amount in the middle ($38,350), his sevens verged on becoming a call and worth the gamble. Suited Superman jokingly said “Five times” once Henry’s hand was tabled. Both players agreed to run the $67,475 pot twice.

The first board ran out AAce of Hearts55 of Spades33 of Diamonds giving Superman an ace on the flop, the turn 22 of Clubs produced a few chop-outs for the pair if a four was to land on the river. There were no lucky rivers for Henry though, the QQueen of Hearts sealed the first run for his opponent.

the second run 77 of SpadesKKing of Diamonds55 of Hearts was a lot more clear cut as to who would be victorious when Henry hit a set of Sevens on the flop. There was no miracle run out for Suited Superman and the pair chopped up the huge $67,475 pot.