Sia The Bot Is Fully Committed on Thirsty Thursday

Sia The Bot Is Fully Committed on Thirsty Thursday

Sia The Bot Is Fully Committed to the Cause on Hustler Casino

Check out this hand from a Thirsty Thursday Hustler Casino Live game featuring Sia The bot, and Mike X. It was live streamed on July 28th, 2023, with blinds set at $10/$20 and a $40 BB ante.

Sia Raised it up to $140 UTG with AAce of Clubs44 of Hearts and a stack size of $7680. Next to act was DGAF in the HJ with $7,240 and 1010 of Hearts99 of Hearts. He decided to play his suited connector’s aggressively and raised it up to $500. Mike X with suited connector’s of his own Q of ClubsJ of Clubs made the call. The action was now back on the initial raiser sia. Not wanting to be pushed around, she threw in a 4-bet to $2,140. This prompted DGAF to fold his suited connector’s, Mike X on the other hand, had no intention of folding his, he made the call. Going to the flop there was $4,870 in the middle, Sia only had $5,680 left behind, with a stack to pot ratio of nearly one.

Sia the Bot Exhibits Deep commitment

The Flop came down 55 of Clubs66 of Clubs22 of Hearts Giving Sia a Gut shot with one Over card and the backdoor nut flush draw. Mike X had more of the board with two Over cards and a Queen high Flush-Draw. First to act Mike checked it over to the Bot, Who wasted little time getting her chips in the middle. Mike X called instantly. The pot was worth $16,230 and as thing’s stood nobody had a hand, other then Sia’s Ace high. She was a slight favourite with 54% to win the pot.

The players elected to just run it once. the turn produced the 55 of Spades and the river was a safe 99 of Diamonds for Sia, who took down the pot with just Ace high, who knew she could get this out of line.

You can see how the hand played out in the video below.

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