Shrimp Calls for the Burberry Shrimp Shaman

Shrimp Calls for the Burberry Shrimp Shaman

Shrimp Called for the Burberry Shrimp Shaman During Maximum Pain Monday

Check out this hand from a Maximum Pain Monday stream at Hustler Casino Live. Shrimp renowned for wearing a Burberry hat called for the Burberry Shrimp Shaman to help with his decision making. It was live streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel on 12th February 2024. The hand was played between Shrimp & Billy “DGAF” with the blinds being $10/20/40 with a $20 BB Ante.

Under the gun shrimp ($3,200) opened the action to $240 with QQueen of Hearts1010 of Hearts this was met by Fadi ($18,920) flat calling with AAce of HeartsQQueen of Spades in the high-jack. DGAF ($17,750) joined the action and called on the button with JJoker of Hearts1010 of Spades Last to join the hand was Karen ($5,330) in the big blind who had been dealt KKing of Spades33 of Spades. DK ($6,600) in the third blind folded 66 of Clubs22 of Clubs. Four players went to the flop with $1,030 in the middle.

The flop came down QQueen of Clubs1010 of Clubs99 of Clubs Giving shrimp top two, Fadi had flopped top pair, where as DGAF had flopped a pair of Ten’s with an up and down straight draw. Had DK remained in the hand he would have flopped a flush!. Second to act Shrimp bet out $500 with his two pair which got a very tight fold from Fadi who had flopped top pair, albeit with no clubs in hand. Billy made the call and heads up to the turn they went. After Karen laid down her up and down straight draw with no clubs. The pot now stood at $2,030.

On the turn was a non eventful 77 of Spades. At this point Shrimp must have still felt comfortable that he had the best hand. He checked the hand over however and Billy checked it back.

Shrimp Calls for the Shaman to help with his River Decision

With the QQueen of Diamonds hitting on the river Shrimp had now boated up. Fadi at this point having been out of the hand for sometime, started to visibly shake his head in disappointment as the Queen was revealed. “I don’t know what to do in this spot” exclaimed Shrimp, really trying to undersell his hand.

“I think I have you beat” said Shrimp. It was at this point he asked the dealer Sami to call in the “Divine Intervention”. After a few seconds the Shrimp Shaman appeared reaching into a red bag. “I have a shrimp for you” having heard this news Shrimp’s play was “all in”

“Is that God” asked DGAF to which the Shaman replied “Yes” “that makes it a lot harder” said Billy. After all the antics it was highly unlikely Shrimp would be bluffing here that did not stop DGAF from thinking about the decision for some time. After all the though DGAF made the call and received the bad news, the $6,950 pot was shipped over to Shrimp and his Shaman.