Shark Bae’s Dream Flop Turns into Maximum Pain

Shark Bae’s Dream Flop Turns into Maximum Pain

Shark Bae’s Dream Flop on Hustler Casino Live Turns into Maximum Pain

check out this hand between Kylie aka Shark Bae & Julia on a Maximum Pain Monday stream on Hustler Casino Live. The blinds were $10/$20/$40 + a $20 BB Ante. The action was live streamed on the 23rd October 2023. Shark Bae’s dream flop has the most unfortunate run out.

First to act was Julia in the +2 who raised it up to $300 with 88 of Spades66 of Spades and just $2,100 left in her stack. This got folds until Kylie, who was in the small blind with 77 of Diamonds77 of Clubs she was another short stack with $2,500 in front. Nate who was UTG with the forced straddle made the additional call of $200 to see the flop with QQueen of Diamonds66 of Clubs. DGAF also joined the action from the cut-off with 44 of Diamonds22 of Diamonds. Four players went to the flop with $1,080 in the pot.

Shark Bae nearly had her opponent’s Drawing Dead

The flop came down 77 of SpadesAAce of HeartsQQueen of Clubs which gave Kylie a set of seven’s, Nate middle pair, and Julia nothing but a potential backdoor flush, or straight draw. Shark Bae first to act, put out a modest bet of $200. Nate made the call, liking the price she was getting for her backdoor draws Julia also made the call. Going to the Turn there was $1,880 in the middle.

The Turn was the JJoker of Spades which now gave Julia her flush draw. Once again Shark Bae led out with another small bet of just $400. Nate mucked his middle pair, and the action was now on Julia, who made the call. Two players went to the river with $2,680 to play for.

The River was a dream card for Julia who had made her backdoor flush, it was the KKing of Spades. First to act, this time Kylie checked, not only did a flush get there potentially, any 10 would have broadway. Julia put her remaining chips in the middle, to which Shark Bae matched her $1,500 bet. Kylie could not believe the run out.

Check out the video below to see how the hand played out.