Incredible Set Over Set Action Between Luda Chris & Matusow

Incredible Set Over Set Action Between Luda Chris & Matusow

Can Luda Chris Get Away From Set Over Set?

Let’s take a look at this incredible hand that was played at Hustler Casino Live. It was live-streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel on the 12th of March 2024. The hand was played between Mike Matusow & Luda Chris. With the blinds being $25/$50 with every player paying a $25 ante into the pot.

After several limps in front Jeremy “Jboogs” Levin ($20,150) in the +3 got the action going when he raised it up to $300 with 99 of Spades88 of Spades. This was instantly met with resistance by Dr H ($6,475) in the high-jack. clearly, in a dicey mood, he 3-betted it to $1,300 holding KKing of Hearts99 of Diamonds. Luda Chris ($48,250) under the gun, made the call with pocket Deuces 22 of Diamonds22 of Clubs With a pocket pair of his own, Mike Matusow ($64,525) also made the call with Eights 88 of Diamonds88 of Clubs. Last to act Jboogs threw in an extra $1000. To the flop, they went four-handed with $5,350 in the middle.

What a flop for Mike Matusow

What an incredible flop! 88 of Hearts66 of Clubs22 of Spades, both Luda & Mike had flopped a set, Jboogs had flopped top pair + a backdoor flush draw. The action was checked around to Jeremy who fired out a modest bet of $2,000. Dr. H found the easy fold, and it was now on Luda to decide how to play his set of deuces.

His response was to play it aggressively. Even though the board was extremely dry with no connectivity or immediate flush draws, Luda was probably hoping his image would yield action. Little did he know, action was surely coming his way. Matusow on the dry board Surprisingly threw in a 3-bet to $13,000. Luda made the call and off to the turn, the pair went with a staggering $33,000 in the pot.

First to act, Luda checked after the JJoker of Spades had been revealed, this led to Matusow putting out a meaty bet of $15,000. After a very lengthy tank, Luda Chris showed why he is such a fan favorite. He laid down the set of Deuces, and what a fold it was.

Check out the video below to see the hand play out, and the rest of the stream.