Safia’s Limped Kings Nearly Pay’s off On Max Pain Monday

Safia’s Limped Kings Nearly Pay’s off On Max Pain Monday

Safia’s Limped Kings Nearly Wins a Huge Pot Vs DK on Hustler Casino Live

Check out this hand from a Maximum Pain Monday stream on Hustler Casino Live. Hustler Casino live-streamed it on their YouTube channel on August 28th, 2023. Safia and DK played the hand with blinds set at $10/20/40 and a $20 BB Ante.

The hand began with Safia in the the +1 who had been dealt pocket Kings K of DiamondsK of Clubssurprinsgly she opted to limp into the hand off a $5,230 stack. Bear Jew in the +2 limped as well with 1010 of Diamonds99 of Clubs. The action was now on DGAF who looked down at KKing of SpadesQQueen of Hearts threw in a raise to $200. Randy, in the small blind lived up to his name and got spicy with 99 of Spades66 of Spades by chucking in a 3-Bet to $400. In the Big Blind sat DK, who also wanted to get involved in the action by making the call with 55 of Clubs33 of Spades leaving himself $7,360 in his stack.

The action was now back on Safia, the +1 limper, question is who was paying attention to the action? Safia at this stage threw in a 4-bet to $1,600, a play that looked incredibly strong. DGAF clearly looked like he knew what was going on, and mucked his hand, as did Randy. At this stage you would expect DK to fold his hand, however, he had other plans and made the call. Two players to the flop with $3,900 in the middle.

DK Pick’s up a Glimmer of Hope

the flop came down 33 of Clubs22 of DiamondsQQueen of Diamonds giving DK a glimmer of hope with a pair of threes, Safia King’s were still a strong favourite to win the hand. DK checked first, and then a bet of $1000 was placed, giving DK close to four-to-one odds on his money. He made the call and going to the turn there was $5,900 in the pot.

The turn was a card that helped DK, the 66 of Heartsgave him a gutshot to go with his pair. Once again, DK checked it over. Safia, with only $2,630 left in her stack, sensed that now was the time to try and get maximum value by going all in. The pot stood at $8,530, giving DK three and a half to one on his money – a good price, but not a great one at the same time. Even after DK called out her hand with, “You have pocket kings?” he still decided to make the call. Going to the river the pot stood at $11,160.

The River revealed the 44 of Clubsand DK’s gambly approach was rewarded.

Check out the video below to see how the hand played out.

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