Rocky Takes A Punch to the Gut From DGAF

Rocky Takes A Punch to the Gut From DGAF

Rocky Takes A hit To her Stack on Maximum Pain Monday

Check out this hand from a Maximum Pain Monday stream on Hustler Casino Live. It was live streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel on the 11th December 2023. The hand was played between Billy “DGAF” & Rocky, with the blinds being $10/20/40 with a $20 BB Ante.

The action began with Rocky ($7,040) raising it up to $140 from the cut-off with the pocket rockets AAce of SpadesAAce of Diamonds. DGAF ($16,000) in the big blind threw in a 3-bet to $620 with 77 of Spades66 of Spades. The response from Rocky was a strong one, as she chucked out a 4-bet to $1,500. The 4 bet amount was smallish which more often then not indicates a lot of strength. This did not scare off Billy however, who sensed blood if he could flop well with his suited connectors. He made the call and the two of them went to the flop with $3,070 in the middle.

The flop was a hard hitting one for sure 55 of Spades33 of Spades44 of Clubs, Billy had flopped the stone cold nuts with a flush redraw. A Four of Spades would give him a straight flush. First to act DGAF Checked it over to his opponent, who came out swinging with a bet of $1,300. Billy responded by just making the call. The pot now stood at $5,670.

The turn was the 1010 of Clubs Billy once again checked it over, this was met by an “all in” from Rocky. DGAF with the stone cold nuts, asked for a count cruelly setting up the slow roll. Rocky took it in good spirits when Billy did eventually make the call after 45 seconds of hollywooding.

To see the hand play out check out the video below.