Rhonda Makes an Impressive Fold Vs Krista

Rhonda Makes an Impressive Fold Vs Krista

Rhonda Makes an Impressive Fold Vs Krista at Poker At The Lodge

Check out this hand from a Ladies only stream on Poker at the lodge. It was live streamed on the 29th September 2023 on Poker At The Lodge’s Youtube channel. The hand was played out between Xuan, Krista, & Rhonda with the blinds set at $5/$10 with a $10 BB Ante.

The action began with Rhonda ($13,760) in the cut-off who limped into the pot with the pocket rockets AAce of DiamondsAAce of Clubs. Next to act was Xuan ($11,635) in the small blind who had been dealt a monster as well, the ladies! QQueen of SpadesQQueen of Clubs. She raised it up to $105. This got a call from Krista ($9,405) who was sat in the big blind with pocket 10’s 1010 of Spades1010 of Hearts The action was now back on Rhonda, who now played her Aces aggressively by putting out a 3-Bet to $500, both Xuan and Krista made the call. Three players went to the flop with $1,530 in the middle.

Sometimes You Have to Fold Aces

The flop came down JJoker of Spades88 of Spades1010 of Clubsa powerhouse of a flop for Krista, who had flopped a set of 10’s. Xuan had a gutshot to go with her over pair. Xuan first to act checked it over to Krista who put out a large bet of $1,000. Rhonda last to act, raised it up to $2,500 this got Xuan to make a very good fold with her Queens. Krista of course was going absolutely nowhere with her set of ten’s and jammed all in for $9,010. After some thought, Rhonda made an impressive fold, what made it so good was the board was very wet with a number of draws out there. She really gave her opponent a lot of credit, correctly I may add.

Check out the video below to see how the hand played out.

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