Raymond Is a Non Believer: $129k Pot

Raymond Is a Non Believer: $129k Pot

Raymond Is a Non Believer in This $129k Super High Stakes Pot

Let’s take a look at this $129k pot from a Super High Stakes stream at Hustler Casino Live. It was live streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel on January 12th 2024. The hand was played between Raymond & Brandon, with the blinds being $100/$200/$400.

The action began with Brandon ($207,800) in the cut-off raising it up to $1,400 with low suited connectors 33 of Hearts22 of Hearts. This was met by a 3-bet of $5,000 from Raymond ($297,800) who had been dealt AAce of SpadesQQueen of Hearts. Brandon made the call and to the flop the pair went with $10,900 in the middle.

The flop came down JJoker of DiamondsAAce of Hearts55 of Diamonds giving Raymond a pair of Aces where as his opponent had picked up a gutshot + a backdoor heart flush draw. The hand was check by both and to the turn they went.

What a Gutterball for Brandon

And what a turn it was, the 44 of Hearts not only gave Brandon the wheel straight he also had a flush draw to go with it. This time first to act Raymond led into his opponent with a bet of $4,000. Brandon had no intention of slow playing his hand. The response was that of aggression as he raised it up to $17,000. With so many draws being in the mix the bet he was met with could have meant a number of things. After double checking his cards, Raymond made the call. To the river they went. the pot now stood at $44,900.

the river was a brick 99 of Clubs if he was good before he was probably still good must have been his thinking when he called a large river bet of $42,000 from Brandon. What a $129k pot for Brandon to take down just before the show ended.

Check out the video below to see how the hand played out.

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