Poker Bunny In Disbelief Vs Sia The bot

Poker Bunny In Disbelief Vs Sia The bot

Poker Bunny in Disbelief on Max Pain Monday Vs Sia The Bot

Check out this hand from a Max Pain Monday game on Hustler Casino Live featuring Sia The bot, and Pauline “Poker Bunny” Loeliger, it Left Poker Bunny in Disbelief. It was live streamed on 17th January 2023, with blinds set at $10/$20/$40 and a $20 BB ante.

Dj Washburn in the Highjack raised it up to $120 with QQueen of Diamonds99 of Spades. Next to act was Poker bunny in the cut off. She looked down at 55 of Hearts55 of Diamonds and made the call. The Action was now on sia, who had woken up in the small blind with a monster, Pocket Kings KKing of HeartsKKing of Diamonds She wasted no time in 3-betting it up to $700 leaving her $7,250 behind. This got Darren in the Big Blind to muck his Ace rag. Dj Washburn the initial raiser pre flop also mucked his hand. Loeliger now faced a bet of $580 into a pot of $1,020. After eyeing up the remainder of Sia’s stack, she made the call. Two players to the flop with $1,600 in the middle.

The flop came down 55 of Clubs77 of Clubs66 of Hearts a dream flop for Loeliger, as she hit a set of 5’s. First to act was Sia out of position with her over pair. She fired a bet of just $400. Poker Bunny sensing this was probably not the time to slow play her set, threw in a raise to $1,000. Sia played her over pair cautiously opted to just call. To the Turn they went with $3,600 in the pot.

Did that Turn Just Happen?

The Turn Could not have been any colder for Poker Bunny. It was the KKing of Clubs It was now Sia’s turn to hit her dream card. Set over set, from here on out there could only be fireworks. Sia this time around checked it over to Loeliger, who put out a smallish bet of $1,300. Sia Made the call this left her just $4,950 behind with the pot now standing at $6,200.

The River produced was a non event, the 22 of Hearts. Sia once again checked it over to Loeliger. Believing she had most likely got the best hand, Poker Bunny went all in. Sia Was now facing a bet off $4,950 into a $11,150 pot. Sia most likely fearing a possible flush took a little while to make the call, when she did, Poker Bunny believed she had the best hand due to Sia tanking. When Sia the Bot flipped over her hand, Poker Bunny was in a state of shock.

Check out the video below to see how the hand played out.