Pepe Involved in Classic Race Vs Mars

Pepe Involved in Classic Race Vs Mars

Pepe involved in Classic Race On High Stakes Friday Vs Mars

Check out this hand from an High Stakes Cash Game stream on Hustler Casino Live. It was live streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel on the 10th November 2023. The hand was played between MarsPepe with the blinds being $50/$100 + $100 BB Ante.

The Players were involved in a stand-up game which always adds an extra dimension to the aggression factor on HCL, however on this occasion both players had a hand. It was a classic race Ace-King Vs Queen’s.

First to act was Mars($40,700)on the Button with AAce of DiamondsKKing of Clubs he threw in a hefty bet of $3,000 no doubt spurred on by the incentive of not wanting to pay the stand-up fee. in the +2 was Pepe ($54,300) with QQueen of SpadesQQueen of Clubs. Known for his aggressiveness, Pepe wasted no time in throwing in a meaty 3-Bet to $13,000. fully aware of his opponent’s image on the table, Mars was in no mind to ever let go Ace-King here, and jammed all in for the remainder of his stack. He was immediately snapped off, and just like that the players were at the races. The pot stood at a huge $109.050. Both Players believing in their hand agreed to run it just the once.

the flop came down 44 of Hearts66 of Diamonds99 of Heartsno help for Mars, the turn was another nine 99 of Clubsand the river was the JJoker of Diamonds. Pepe’s ladies had managed to hold, allowing him to ship the mammoth pot.

Check out the video below to see how it panned out.