Pepe Goes Crazy With Seven-Deuce on Hustler Casino Live

Pepe Goes Crazy With Seven-Deuce on Hustler Casino Live

Pepe Goes Crazy With Seven-Deuce in a High Stakes Cash Game: HCL

Check out this hand that played between Pepe, & Ivan on Friday 27th October during a High Stakes cash game stream on Hustler Casino Live. The Blinds were $50/$100 + $100 BB Ante.

The action began with Ivan in the High-Jack, who raised it up to $300 with AAce of HeartsQQueen of Diamonds from a $70,675 stack. Mike X in the cut-off made the call with AAce of Clubs1010 of Diamonds. The Action was now on Pepe in the Big Blind with a stack of $212,950. He looked down at 77 of Hearts22 of Clubsclearly wanting to play the Seven-Deuce game, Pepe threw in a massive 3-bet to $6,300. Ivan next to act made the call, putting in the extra $6,000. Mike wanted no further part of the hand, and mucked. Going to the flop there was $13,050 in the middle.

The flop came down QQueen of Clubs77 of Clubs66 of Heartsgiving Ivan top pair with top kicker. Pepe first to act, how will he play his middle pair?, having part of the board might affect how he continues with the worst hand pre flop in poker. Pepe arguably woke up that morning and choose violence, he continued his aggression by leading out with a large bet of $8,300. Ivan made the call, going to the Turn there was $29,650 in the pot.

Dream Turn for Pepe

There it was, the dream Turn for Pepe the 77 of Diamonds Pepe now with full control of the hand, checked it over to Ivan, who bet out $14,000. How could he not feel he had the best hand? Pepe surprinsgly just min raised it to $29,000. By now Ivan was getting short on chips compared to the ever growing pot. That did not stop him from just making the call. Once he had put the extra $15,000 in, it left him just $27,075. Going to the River, there was $87,650 out there.

The river changed nothing as the 33 of Spades was revealed. Pepe first to act, asked for a chip count from his opponent, as he then put him all in. Even with the amount that was out there, and the price Ivan was getting, he still gave the river decision considerable thought. After a few minutes he made the reluctant call, Pepe excitedly yelled out as he showed the Seven-Deuce and scooped the $141,800 pot , much to the amusement of Mariano who was sat next to him.

To see how the hand played out, check out the video below.

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