Will Pennzoil Don’s Aggression Backfire on Hustler Casino Live

Will Pennzoil Don’s Aggression Backfire on Hustler Casino Live

Luda Chris Uses Pennzoil Don’s Aggression to his Advantage

Take a look at this Hand from an Ante Game stream on Hustler Casino Live. Which Hustler streamed on the 10th of October 2023. Dr. HJT, Luda Chris, & Pennzoil Don, were all involved in the hand. Blinds were set at $25/$50.

Dr.H with a stack of $44,550 Limped into the pot UTG with 55 of Hearts55 of Diamonds. JT next to act in the +1 with $35,000, raised it up to $400 with QQueen of DiamondsJJoker of Clubs. The action was now on Luda Chris sat in the +3. Chris had a healthy stack of $83,625 and he elected to call with his 99 of Spades88 of Hearts. The Rest of the table folded until the Button, where Pennzoil Don with a stack of $31,875 made the call with JJoker of Hearts1010 of Diamonds. Four players to the flop they went with $1,700 in the middle.

The flop came down 22 of Spades77 of Diamonds99 of Diamonds Giving Luda Chris top pair, & Pennzoil Don two over cards a Gutshot & a 10 high backdoor Flush-Draw. Dr.H first to act checked, as did JT, Luda Chris with Top pair Bet just over the pot with a hefty $1,800 bet. Pennzoil threw out a quick call, as expected Dr.H and JT quickly mucked their cards. Going to the Turn there was $5,300 in the pot.

Will Pennzoil Don’s Aggression backfire?

The Turn produced the 99 of Clubs further improving Luda’s hand to trips. Luda with no intention of slowing down fired $3,900 into the pot. Pennzoil Don rather then wanting to give up on the pot, raised it up to $12,000, This left him with just $18,075 behind his two over cards and a gutshot must have felt like trash when Luda made the call. The pot now stood at a sizeable $29,300.

The River card was the dream card for Luda, the 88 of Spades. Not only did it improve his hand to a Fullhouse, it also gave Don the nut straight. Luda perhaps in the hope that Don might bluff at the pot if he had missed the diamond draw, sneakily checked it over. Don Undoubtedly believed his Straight to be good, and pushed the remainder of his stack in. Chris Snapped and took down the huge pot of $65,450.

Check out the Ante Game Stream from the 10th of October 2023.