Nikos’ Jams the flop, Will Vertucci Call with top Pair Top Kicker?

Nikos’ Jams the flop, Will Vertucci Call with top Pair Top Kicker?

Nikos’ Jams the flop, Will he Get looked Up in the Ante Game

Check out this hand from the Ante game, played at Hustler Casino Live. It was live streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel on the 5th December 2023. The hand was played between Nick Vertucci, Nikos, & Luda Chris with the blinds being $25/$50 with every player paying a $25 ante into the pot.

The action began with Jboogs‘ ($12,350) limping into the hand from the +1 with AAce of Hearts99 of Diamonds This encouraged limps from Nikos ($10,325) with 88 of Diamonds66 of Hearts, Big John ($12,575) with 99 of Spades77 of Spades and Ronnie ($10,925) with KKing of Diamonds88 of Clubs. The action was now on Nick ($13,525) in the cut-off who had seen way to much limping in front. He beefed the price up to $400 with AAce of DiamondsJJoker of Hearts. Luda Chris ($39,775) on the Button, perhaps seeing Nick’s play as a squeeze, threw in a 3-bet with QQueen of Clubs22 of Hearts no doubt trying to take the pot down there and then.

The action was now back on JBoogs who mucked his hand. Nikos however, had no plans on folding, he made the huge call with his eight-six off suit. Nick also made the call and the three of them went to the flop with $4,975 in the middle.

Middle Pair? That’s good enough for Nikos

The flop came down 66 of Clubs44 of HeartsJJoker of Diamonds giving Nick top pair top kicker, Nikos had flopped middle pair. First to act Nikos checked, as did Vertucci. Chris having no part of the board continued his pre flop aggression by putting out a bet of $2,000. Nikos living up to his unpredictable tag, fired the remainder of his stack all in. The action was now on Nick, who not only faced a huge all in, he also had the issue of Luda Chris to act behind.

After considerable thought Vertucci eventually did find the fold, as of course did Chris with his Queen high. Nikos took the pot down, adding $5,375 to his stack.

Check out the video below to see how the hand plays out.