Nick Vertucci Is in Trouble With The Ladies

Nick Vertucci Is in Trouble With The Ladies

Nick Vertucci Is in Trouble With Pocket Queens Vs Tyler

Check out this hand from a Maximum Pain Monday stream on Hustler Casino Live. It was live streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel on the 18th December 2023. The hand was played between Nick Vertucci, Tyler & DGAF with the blinds being $10/20/40 with a $20 BB Ante.

The action began with DGAF ($5,290) limping into the hand from UTG with KKing of Diamonds88 of Diamonds. This was met by further limps from Shrimp ($5.620) with JJoker of Diamonds44 of Diamonds and Tyler ($3,250) with 66 of Spades55 of Clubs on the button. Next to act was Nick ($8,980) in the small blind who raised it up to $300 with the ladies QQueen of DiamondsQQueen of Clubs. This was met by a call from Peter ($9,660) in the big blind who had been dealt AAce of SpadesJJoker of Spades. DGAF & Tyler also called the raise, with Shrimp folding. Four players went to the flop with $1,300 in the middle.

Vertucci’s Ladies are in Trouble

the flop came down 55 of Spades66 of Hearts77 of Clubs giving Tyler 2 pair’s whilst DGAF picked up an up and down straight draw with two over cards. First to act Nick checked as did Peter. With the action now on DGAF he put out a just shy of half pot bet of $620. Tyler made the call which was followed by an “all in” from Vertucci. Both Peter and DGAF folded, Tyler knowing in this spot his two pair was just to strong made the call. the pot stood at $7,820 going to the turn and river.

The turn was the 22 of Hearts with another two falling on the river 22 of Diamonds Tyler’s two pair had been counterfeited, and the Ladies eventually did hold up for Nick.

Check out the video below to see how the hand played out.